Hello everyone. My 920 has starting to give signs of wear, as its microphone works irregularly. As I've been told, when I send it to repair, I'll receive it clean from any data. Which would be a problem if i didn't get the 805a8011 error when trying to access the store or connect to Xbox.
From what I've read, the only solution to this would be to hard reset it, losing all data anyways. Photos can be backed up, music I can get it back no problem. The problem are apps, which have to be reinstalled. One in particular, Photosynth, has been pulled off the store not too long ago. Now it's impossible for me to get it the legitimate way after a reset.
I found an alternative method which is registering as a developer and loading the .xap file into the phone. As I've never done something like this, I wanted to understand the risks of doing so and if I would be violating any terms of use of the phone or similar by Microsoft
The app would be downloaded from here: < Moderator edit - link removed >
From what I've read, the only solution to this would be to hard reset it, losing all data anyways. Photos can be backed up, music I can get it back no problem. The problem are apps, which have to be reinstalled. One in particular, Photosynth, has been pulled off the store not too long ago. Now it's impossible for me to get it the legitimate way after a reset.
I found an alternative method which is registering as a developer and loading the .xap file into the phone. As I've never done something like this, I wanted to understand the risks of doing so and if I would be violating any terms of use of the phone or similar by Microsoft
The app would be downloaded from here: < Moderator edit - link removed >