Why stick it out for 10?

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Windows Central Question

As a long time MS ******, I'm currently running the latest build of windows 10 on my phone. As MS has removed all the things that made windows phone unique and the best platform in my opinion, i struggle to see why keep windows phone 10 and not go android or iOS? please help me see the light like i did with windows phone 8.1.

Features lost:
1) People history in contacts
2) search in messaging
3) Cortana search and then share
4) Photos is no where near what it use to be
5) groove is just awful
6) email client gone. Outlook is no replacement. Where are my linked mailboxes
Photos just got an update today to bring back the pivot.

Jumping ship while Windows 10 for mobile is still in Beta doesn't really tell you what Windows 10 for Mobile will be like once it is released. It is a work in progress, so of course things are going to be missing and not complete.

Yeah, linked inboxes are one of those things that will need to be fixed for sure. I would hate to have to individually eyeball 5 email accounts on my phone to see if I'm up-to-date on things. I like the one Inbox.

I personally got tired of seeing the issues and the drama. I'm staying on WP8.1 until 10 is finished for RTM at the very least. Going to iOS or Android? Not me. I will wait and see what Windows 10 will actually bring to mobile.
Rhapdog pretty much nailed it. If you've come this far, you could a last wait for the official product before making a final decision. Unless your phone doesn't work at all, you can wait another month for new phones and the shipping version of the new OS.

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