What's the easiest way to move contacts from iPhone to Windows Phone?


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
What's the easiest way to move contacts from iPhone to Windows Phone.

I've converted several iPhone users to Windows Phone but the last one was the first to ask me for help moving their contacts.

The only way I've ever know to import contacts was a CSV file into the desktop Outlook.com People web page.

I saw numerous iPhone apps for saving iPhone contacts as CSV and had him run one that was free with high ratings. It created a file. But Outlook.com rejected it saying wrong format and nothing else.

I exported my contacts in Outlook.com to hopefully see a format that would work. I saw that the columns were in a different order, different spelling (typically words run together such as "LastName" instead of "Last Name". Renaming the columns wasn't enough. I also had to reorder the columns to match the order in what Outlook.com exported. Then there were the columns from the app that Outlook.com doesn't use such as a column named "iPhoneNumber" in addition to all the normal phone number columns OutLook.com uses. Fortunately none of his contacts had both an iPhoneNumber and OtherPhone so I merged them into Other.

Anyway, I don't want to go thru this with future converts. So what have you done to quickly and easily transfer contacts from iPhone to Windows Phone? I have no idea if iPhones store contacts on the SIM but he said his iPhone doesn't have the same SIM size as the Lumia 640 and neither of us wanted to buy and mess with an adapter.
Re: What's the easiest way to move contacts from iPhone to Windows Phone.

The easiest and the best way is by using TRANSFER MY DATA APP by Nokia/Microsoft mobile
Re: What's the easiest way to move contacts from iPhone to Windows Phone.

My iPhone contacts were sinced to my iCloud account. So, when I switched back to Lumia, I just entered that acc and synced contacts. That's it.

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