Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers. What is going on?

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Windows Central Question

Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

today i had a problem with my L640lte (W8.1, daily driver) and my L925 (W10, just lying around).
Some phone numbers of my outlook contacts disappeared, i just added them again. This was no Problem, but some hours later i had the same problem again. This time i lost more numbers and i dont know all of them.

Does anyone know this problem?
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

Haven't had this problem. Are you sure you don't just have duplicate contacts? (ones with phone numbers, and the same contact again but with only email addresses for example?)
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

No at some contacts there are duplicates, but they are all connected, so thats not the problem.

im now thinkin that the number is just not displayed.. when i open whatsapp i see the number of this contacts but when i recieve a message from one of them the banner shows me the name which is in my contacts, by now it happend a third time :/
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

same here, several numbers are lost on my phone as well on outlook.com contacts list. first i thought only my favorites were affected but there are also "regular" contancs who's mobile no got "deleted"?
any suggestions?

thanks in advance and best regards
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

its good to see that im not the only one and it's not my fault bud still a bad issue^^

i talked to the MS support before, they couldnt help me (big surprise) and a senior support team is now investigating the issue, they will contact me within the next three days.. if i get some news i'll post them here
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

Well, it happened to me, too. I just noticed it today and hope they find a quick solution. Especially, as there is no way to check, which numbers are gone.
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

Same here. My wife and me noticed this while using WhatsApp. Suddenly, the names within WhatApp were gone, just phonenumbers are shown. When we checked our contacts, there were some phonenumbers missing.
By the way, I use a Win10Mobile Preview so I think this must be a Outlook.com problem.
Happened to me also. Contact phone numbers disappearing. I think it has something to do with skype as all the contacts with the problem were also skype contacts.
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

Yah, a number of people reported that after installing the new skype app. I am waiting for the new build tomorrow before installing it.

I guess that is the risk of being an insider!
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

I don't think it has something to do with skype messaging, i dont use the app and havent even downloaded it, though i also think that its because of insider. (would be crazy if it happened to usual users)^^

MS support didn't contact me yet, i'll write them again on monday. :/
Someone called me on skype and the number which was supposed to be missing showed up with the proper name and all. Not the new skype messaging but the older skype official skype client. I have a skype number that i use to receive calls. If you open the skype app some contacts have no phone number information but if you dial from skype the call goes through. Means the number is in there somewhere and not actually deleted.
Re: Outlook Contacts: disappearing phone numbers

I am not an insider, still on wp 8.1, and it happened to me, too. Also, not all my skype contacts' phone numbers went missing, however, all that are AWOL are on my skype contacts list.
The same is for me. Fortunatelly, I have another computer with Outlook installed. So I opened it, went offline and exported all contacts into a file. Then I compared it to the existing list and found about 100 missing phones for outlook.com (hotmail) contacts.

BTW, I think it could be Facebook connector related issue.

I hope they will be able to restore my contacts. Otherwise, I have to manually re-add those phones.
I do not have Facebook, not using insider, nor does my mom, we both have the same issue. I contacted the Microsoft support, after the issue was sent to L2 there are no updates(1,5 weeks approx.). That pretty unbelievable.

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