Fading of apps like Snapchat for windows phone? A sign of death for the windows os for phones

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Jul 19, 2014
Its been months now, rumours were around petitions were signed but all was useless or bull****, are they ever going to Snapchat for windows phone,
Windows phone is getting worst from the day Microsoft took over Nokia, people lost jobs, wonderful apps were fading day by day , the prices of phone did go down but so did the quality, you may say something against all this but just like all of you I was a fan boy
although windows 10 is good but so far also hasn't made a big impact by far yet, Coming to a user point of view Microsoft phone don't have the same quality I had on my previous Nokia Lumias, the basic apps, the battery life, the looks, just an improvement in user interface, but was it all worth, time will tell
1) This is not a question, so this thread needs to moved as it's been created in the wrong section.
2) There are countless threads on this "issue".
3) Nothing to see people here, move along :).

To answer you OP, unless the CEO has a change of heart it's not going to happen any time soon. After all they (snapchat) are in no need of money having been valued at umpteen billions of dollars.
Not a question. If you're looking for a debate, please find the most appropriate forum and post there, rather than here in the Ask a Question forum. Thank you. Closed.
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