Why Microsoft has removed Lumia Camera Classic app?

abhijeet balsaraf

New member
Jun 18, 2015
While watching reviews of windows mobile 10 (build 10536) I got to know that Microsoft has removed some Lumia camera apps from the store & they wont be available for downloads at least by the start of next year!!
Honestly, according to me this is not any right move microsoft has taken for its windows mobile 10. I have bought Nokia Lumia 930 primarily because of its descent camera, which shows its capability only in Lumia camera apps.
Guys please let me know if you have any information about this. Thanks.
Some of the apps were taken down because they were costing Microsoft in terms of server space for them, such as the ones that allowed you to publish online. Those apps were hardly used by anyone and there was no good business sense to keep expending resources for those that were not being used.

Other apps are having their functionality replaced with newer apps. The "Windows Camera" is replacing Lumia Camera, both classic and Lumia Camera 5. The reason for this is because Microsoft needs to get away from publishing apps meant only for the Lumia, because with Windows 10, there will be a larger variety of OEM vendors providing Windows Phones and Lumia may end up becoming the minority in the future. System apps like camera will need to work across all the different types of hardware.

This new camera has already replaced all the functionality of Lumia Camera Classic, is just as fast if not faster to load, and has even more functionality. The only functionality it is missing from Lumia Camera 5 is the ability to do Living Images, which will be returning in an update soon.
Thanks #rhapdog for the reply..!!
I am quite happy by your reply that those all functionality has already been replaced, as I really liked the ability of re-framing the photos right in the app and also that it allows me to see the full resolution image (19 megapixel on my Lumia 930) right in there.
If you have any more updates on it then please do share with me. :-)

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