dkediger New member Aug 29, 2013 671 0 0 Sep 20, 2015 #2 I've had no problems getting the Insider previews on it - while I don't think that's definitive, it's indicative that it will be supported. The 928 was actually supported in the Insider tech previews before my Icon was. Upvote 0 Downvote
I've had no problems getting the Insider previews on it - while I don't think that's definitive, it's indicative that it will be supported. The 928 was actually supported in the Insider tech previews before my Icon was.
xandros9 Active member Nov 12, 2012 16,110 1 38 Sep 20, 2015 #3 It should be. Best case scenario it will be released by Verizon and everyone is happy. Worst case scenario, VZW withholds the update and you'll have to enroll in Windows Insider, which won't be that bad actually. Upvote 0 Downvote
It should be. Best case scenario it will be released by Verizon and everyone is happy. Worst case scenario, VZW withholds the update and you'll have to enroll in Windows Insider, which won't be that bad actually.