How to have Call+sms Filter?

Ivan Kim Reyes

New member
Sep 26, 2015
I have Lumia 540 Dual Sim which runs Windows 8.1 update 2 Lumia Denim (software is up to date) and I can't find the Call+Sms Filter on my settings. I really want to get rid of annoying messages and calls. I've tried going to call history and long pressed the number(s) I wish to block but the there's no "block" in the options. I badly need help! Thanks!
Try installing an app called "SysApp Pusher". This will allow you to find the app in the Windows Phone store and install it. It's entirely possible that the app may not be available for your phone though.
I have successfully downloaded the call+SMS Filter using Sysapp Pusher app but failed to used it. It says: Something went wrong. That didn't work, though it's not clear why. Try again. I also tried restarting my phone but still got the same message. It's just sad that the app description says that it's neutral to any phone processors but didn't work for me. Any tips for me to block calls and messages in other ways? Thanks!
Well that's frustrating. Call + SMS blocking should (as far as I know) work on all Lumias. Unfortunately, the problem you have there is relatively common (I had it myself for a long time) and I'm not sure of how to correct it. I don't think that a hard reset even sorted it out. You may want to see if temporarily upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile will get it working for you.

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