How can I stop my photos from turning sideways?

Manda Mills

New member
Sep 26, 2015
Photos turning sideways.

When I take pictures with Lumia Camera or Microsoft Camera in a portrait orientation, they seem to always turn sideways when I try to upload them somewhere like GroupMe or Facebook.

I've seen people say that you have to make sure your phone recognizes that it's upright and not on it's side, by making sure the icons on the screen are rightside-up. Even still, it turns the photos sideways.

Some people also suggest going into the editing app and rotating the picture. But when I look at the pics in the photo album, they look upright and normal. It's only when I go to share them with someone that they turn sideways.

I downloaded Camera360 and portrait pics taken with this app are not having the same issue. But, of course, you can't set third party apps as the default camera app.

Are there any fixes for this?
Re: Photos turning sideways.

I've just got a Lumia 640, and same issue here. Facebook they went the right way up. Ebay & twitter the same pics went sideways??? Any ideas before I consider an Android phone.
Re: Photos turning sideways.

FWIW, I'm seeing a lot of phones do this on the internet. Phones of all different OS types and makes.

I think it is the websites.


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