What benefit other can OEM bring to WindowsPhone?

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What benefit other OEM can bring to WindowsPhone

IOS -- Only one OEM, Apple himself. So out of the question here.
Android -- All the OEMs deciding to go with android can provide some kind of differentiation by customizing the experience.
For instance: Samsung -- Curved screen, added functionality of some kind.
LG V10 -- Small secondary ticker screen.
I'm not talking about the how useful it is or if the device is unstable. Its about provisioning the capabilities.

Will other OEMs have same benefit while coming to Android. What differentiation will each WindowsPhone carry among OEMs?

Re: What benefit other OEM can bring to WindowsPhone

The differentiation amongst Android OEMs is more software than hardware related. Yes, there are different designs. However, most of the differences are in the custom skins and launchers that the OEMs add to their devices. I believe that there would be far less Android OEMs and far less Android devices if stock Android was all that could be run.

I don't feel that there is much differentiation available to OEMs manufacturing Windows Phones, due to the closed nature of the OS.

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