WPCentral Question
For a project, we'd like to use Nokia Lumia 530's as a low cost solution for possibly 1k phones. As things stand, we have tested and verified that both 'Tethering' and 'Dialing a single phone number' can be accomplished at the same time, which is a must. What we have not been able to confirm is if there is a way to lock everything else down on the phone, which is also a must.
We were originally informed Intune could do this, but the Intune dev's aren't sure. We've asked about if the SDK can accomplish this, but no definitive responses yet. If any of the talent pool using this forum can please let us know, it would be TRULY appreciated. Thank You Very Much!
We were originally informed Intune could do this, but the Intune dev's aren't sure. We've asked about if the SDK can accomplish this, but no definitive responses yet. If any of the talent pool using this forum can please let us know, it would be TRULY appreciated. Thank You Very Much!