Since I downloaded Windows 10, I can't print anything! WHY?


WPCentral Question

I have not been able to print anything since I downloaded Windows 10. It wants me to save everything to a pdf file, but then i can't print the pdf files either!! WHY? I downloaded the remote app, but that didn't help- it goes through all the motions to print now, but still doesn't print anything


Apr 16, 2011
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Were you so excited when you installed Windows 10, that you jumped from your seat to pump your fist and accidentally kicked the power cord for the printer out of the wall?

Ok, probably not. Tap your start button on your keyboard and type PRINTER in the search box. You'll see "Printers and Scanners" and "Devices and Printers". They'll both give you a lot of information, but this is one area where I'd choose Devices and Printers, the Windows 7 style screen.

So, click on Devices and Printers. Is your printer showing up on this list at all? Is it solid, or is it greyed out, signifying that it is offline or otherwise unavailable. Sometimes, if you click on it, it will give you meaningful information, like why the printer is offline, but more often than not, it simply says "offline".

You can try printing a test page from this screen by right-clicking on the printer, choose PRINTER PROPERTIES, and choosing PRINT TEST PAGE.

Please check these things out. Then, come back, create a username and respond to this post with more information, from the questions above. We'll try to help you print from there.

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