How to completely wipe cloud raiders data ?


New member
May 15, 2014
So i have this really strange problem: I recently have upgraded from 520 to 920 and gave my old phone to a friend. I did a hard reset (spinning gears, data wiped), so there was nothing left on the phone. He signed in with his microsoft account and all, but when he downloaded cloud raiders and tried to play game automatically signed into my account (magic). He did hard reset too, but it didn't help. So now i wonder if my account is tied to 520 IP adress ? And if not, would reflashing wp 8.1 help ? Contacting game insight gave no results so you, guys(or girls :)), are my last hope.
I had same problem and contacted support GI and they told me to change my phone or pc must to complain on Windows store , I wanted to do that but I dont know how...( sry for bad english)
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So i have this really strange problem: I recently have upgraded from 520 to 920 and gave my old phone to a friend. I did a hard reset (spinning gears, data wiped), so there was nothing left on the phone. He signed in with his microsoft account and all, but when he downloaded cloud raiders and tried to play game automatically signed into my account (magic). He did hard reset too, but it didn't help. So now i wonder if my account is tied to 520 IP adress ? And if not, would reflashing wp 8.1 help ? Contacting game insight gave no results so you, guys(or girls :)), are my last hope.

Was the game connected to your facebook account? Once I asked them how to backup my game data they said connecting to the facebook is what I have to do. Maybe you should ask them to disconnect the game with facebook.
I had same problem and contacted support GI and they told me to change my phone or pc must to complain on Windows store , I wanted to do that but I dont know how...( sry for bad english)

Way to go GI support !! Change phone or pc :grin: :DD Game itself is good but this is a bug and they need to fix it.

Was the game connected to your facebook account? Once I asked them how to backup my game data they said connecting to the facebook is what I have to do. Maybe you should ask them to disconnect the game with facebook.

I'm afraid theres two problems:
1. Disconnecting from facebook is not easily performable and then game for some reason remmember your facebook, so no way to escape this.

2. There's something with the phone itself, I suppose it's phones IP or something similar, because game loaded my profile after doing hard reset and connecting with another ms account.

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