lumia 1520 suddenly don't show the 13 mega image ..!!

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WPCentral Question

i just using windows denim on lumia 1520 newly ..updated ... but now i take 5+13 megapixel photo but inta photo gallery only its shows 5 megapixel image .but yesterday it was ok in same device , so now i just reset my device but still showing this problem .. also its take a hard reset.. bt still same problem .. what can i do ..
Is the larger Megapixel shot being saved as DNG?

If so, you need Rawer on the phone to edit and save as jpg. The DNG file remains in the folder. You can't view DNG directly in the photos app.

On my 1520 I can shoot 5MP jpg + 16MP (jpg or DNG) in 16:9 aspect and 5MP + 18MP in 4:3... I think the 13 is a typo???

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