SD Card Deleting Data


New member
Nov 23, 2015
I just got the Lumia 950, and so I took a 16 GB Micro SD card I had been using in my Surface RT, formatted it, and loaded it in my phone. I was planning on just putting my music on it, so I moved 14 GBs of music on it. When it was finished, it worked on my phone. The next day, however, all my music had been wiped from the card, though the folder structure remained.

Weirded out, I decided to try storing photos on the card instead. So I took a few shots, accessed them right after. A few hours later, they too were deleted.

Any ideas? The card worked fine in my Surface, and it's always been NTFS
I guess it is a bit old, probably two or three years+, but it seems odd that it would function fine up until the new phone - again, minutes before I used it in the 950 it was working in my Surface RT.
It could have been anything, it could be coincidence that it broke down at the moment you inserted it in your new phone. Nonetheless, it still seems best to try a new card. SD Cards are known not too last, given the small physical space for so much digital memory.

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