Windows Central Question
Recording video with locked screen
I need an app fo recording my onboards. There are some similar apps for android platform (dashcams, etc.), but none for wp8. I wanted to develop my own app fo this purpose. But I have some questions that need to be answered.
Is there any way to record the video with the screen locked?
I can prevent phone from going into locked mode, automatically, but it is not enough for me.
Is there a way of catching the power button event?
Is there any difference (from the point of application and OS) when the app is in foreground (i.e. another app is on the screen), and when we just lock the screen using the power button?
I need an app fo recording my onboards. There are some similar apps for android platform (dashcams, etc.), but none for wp8. I wanted to develop my own app fo this purpose. But I have some questions that need to be answered.
Is there any way to record the video with the screen locked?
I can prevent phone from going into locked mode, automatically, but it is not enough for me.
Is there a way of catching the power button event?
Is there any difference (from the point of application and OS) when the app is in foreground (i.e. another app is on the screen), and when we just lock the screen using the power button?