Windows Central Question
I am trying to understand how you would use a front and back camera. Is that for a group picture or switching between two people
True story...
I have a 16 year old niece. She decided to get a bigger iPhone with more storage because the old one was full. Completely full. I looked at it and it was nothing but selfie pictures.
There was some sort of recall for blurry pictures from the rear camera. I asked if she was affected, didn't know. She had never used that camera, only the front one.
I told her to get a dictionary and look up the word "narcissism"
$700 phone and all she does with it is selfie pictures and snapchat. All day. Every day.
Well, i'm 17 and not your oldest user but i still hate taking selfies. I do like 1 in two months, just to change my Facebook profile picture, that's pretty much it.