Build 10586.29 .. Battery drain issue


New member
Jul 31, 2014
Has anyone notice a super decrease in battery life ? .. Battery is going down at super speed... Even in battery saver mode...... Anyone else
My 920 went down 30% last night. It appeared there was nothing left to download after the update, not like after a fresh reset. Before the update drain was about 2% overnight.
Are you f*** kidding me?!! Again battery drain problems?....If its not fixed in next few days (it usually does, but on 10586 there were no improvements even after a week) i'm selling my phone good bye charlie, god buy MS!!!
Are you f*** kidding me?!! Again battery drain problems?....If its not fixed in next few days (it usually does, but on 10586 there were no improvements even after a week) i'm selling my phone good bye charlie, god buy MS!!!

If it was a 'god buy' then why are you complaining? You got the phone from a God or what?
Seriously, you're acting childish, you're not the only one with the problem and i haven't seen others swearing or raging on forums, so get yourself together. I don't think any problems would be resolved if every one of us would come here and act all hill-billy and rude.

And by the way it's spelled 'good bye MS'.
First of all battery drain has increased after updating to 8.1 and thats a fact! Now what should i do, go back to 8.0, you serious? Think before you say anything if you are not familiar with the problem. I'm raging because i need to wait god knows how many years to have normal phone, and beside that i'm not gonna keep my mouth shut about this because its big problem and its frustrating.
And by the way i honestly dont care how its spelled, not my native language
Are you f*** kidding me?!! Again battery drain problems?....If its not fixed in next few days (it usually does, but on 10586 there were no improvements even after a week) i'm selling my phone good bye charlie, god buy MS!!!

If god buys Microsoft, I think our problems should be solved
Lumia 830 battery running fine. Let's make note of which phone is being used if we want to find a pattern.

I think there may be some indexing that occurs after update it who knows. But my Lumia 950 xl battery was not so great first day but now it has been fine. Granted it could be better but I can't put it on latest build yet.
First of all battery drain has increased after updating to 8.1 and thats a fact! Now what should i do, go back to 8.0, you serious? Think before you say anything if you are not familiar with the problem. I'm raging because i need to wait god knows how many years to have normal phone, and beside that i'm not gonna keep my mouth shut about this because its big problem and its frustrating.
And by the way i honestly dont care how its spelled, not my native language

You have a computer inside your pocket. A full fledged, what's the weather, what's the stocks, I'm playing a game, computer, insider your pocket. With that, however, battery tech hasn't improved in the last 25+ years.

Want battery life to get better? Ask God for a new battery tech, please. We've already got billions of dollars and world economies on the edge for this tech.

Now, back to the build. It's a service, that currently you're lucky enough to beta test, and have been for almost a year. Yes, there's bumps and bruises, if you don't want them, go back to 8.1 until the next build comes out and you hear of any issues that may cause harm. Stop rushing into everything Leroy Jenkins style and take a step back to relax.
Dunoo what's wrong with Microsoft ... Why they break what's fixed.. We can understand it's beta.. But why to play with the things which r working good... Battery was like a beast on my 1320 build 10586.11 .. 3days .... But now .. In this build 10586.29 .. Looks hard to stand even a day..
Don't know what's wrong with Microsoft ... Why they break what's fixed.. We can understand it's beta.. But why to play with the things which r working good... Battery was like a beast on my 1320 build 10586.11 .. 3days .... But now .. In this build 10586.29 .. Looks hard to stand even a day..

That isn't Microsoft, that's coding. One problem fixed, three more pop up is kind of what happens. Thankfully, it's not on purpose.
Its hasn't been in this rate before..

Yeah, I'm noticing it now that battery drain increased, on par with 10549 or 10572, but not realy dramatical, still needs day or two to stabilise. I'm thinking about hard reset, usually I every time do hard reset but this is rather small update...
Lumia 735 here. Updated last night to 10586.29. Left it off of charger at 90% and woke up this morning with 85%. About 1% per hour. Seems OK to me.

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