How can i fix the usb connection failure on windows 10 build 10586.11 on lumia 830??


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Oct 6, 2015
When i updated my lumia 830 to windows 10 mobile build 10581, i hard reset and lost ability to connect to pc using usb. When build 10586 was pushed, i went for it without going back to windows 8.1 since my phone was not recognised by any pc i tried it on. Am now on build 10586.11 and still can't get connected to pc. It only charges. Is there anything i can do to get back to windows 8.1 and start all over again?
I have tried a different pc but not a different cable. I'll try a different cable and report back.

I'm sorry to tell you this but it's neither up to your PC nor the USB cable, but your phone. To be exact the problem is that you have hard reseted it and somehow the OS got corrupted. Only solution is to go back to 8.1 using Windows Device Recovery Tool, upgrade again to WM10 and not hard reset it. If it's gonna make you feel better you're not the only one with this issue, i'm suffering from it too.

You have detailed instructions here how to do it.
FAQ - How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software? - Microsoft - USA
Um, so how do we use Windows Device Recovery Tool if the problem with connection is the phone? And it is the phone that we want to connect?

Ah, I thought it was my cables too.

My Win10 tablet with a USB OTG connector. Went to the shops to buy another, but still didn't work. I tried another Win10 tablet, no luck. I tried my Win10 laptop, but a failing HDD made it near impossible to use.

Finally, I went to my sister's and used their Win7 PC. Worked fine.

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