Problem with windows phone emulator

dao hong

New member
Oct 23, 2015
Hello everyone, i heard about used emulator can still play games on pc like simulator. I also download Visual Studio 2015 for installation on windows phone 10 and 8.1 emulator . However, when you deploy the game is ok but it was thrown out when i open game. Even i deploy into any 512 or 1gb or screen variety. But it was thrown out when i open the game (game has been dev), my pc is i5, 8gb ram, windows 10. Hope someone can help me. Thanks for reading.
Can you please elaborate what thrown out means. And to say emulator does not work with windows 10 home. Only pro versions.

It means that I installed in the emulator is ok, but when I tap on the icon to open the game, the game can not be launched, nor error. I heard the dev XAP contains .winmd will not be played. Yep, im using windows 10 Pro. thanks for your support.

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