In android oems I find One plus the only smartphone providing good specs with a good hardware quality. The hardware is pretty good and the camera would is good but obviously not as good compared to any Lumia smartphone camera. If one wants to get mid range smartphone for a good price one plus should be the choice. So do u guys think One Plus should make a windows 10 mobile smartphone with that same specs and and price what they have kept for their One Plus 2. We all know that Microsoft isn't showing good commitment towards Windowsphone. 950 xl is good IMO but not affordable. Lumia 550 is also I feel not as an upgrade or one should better buy or stick to Lumia 640 bcoz those specs aren't good to be called as an upgrade for a low end user. Hence do u think Microsoft should convince One Plus to make Windows 10 mobile on their device or maybe a dual boot option on the same. Sorry if my English is bad anywhere and Thank you on advance!!