Spammy Facebook (or FB-clone) opens in IE when reading MSN news

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WPCentral Question

When I am reading the MSN news app IE opens and takes me to some spammy facebook site (possibly a FB-clone) telling me that I have been selected to win something (the site starts h t t p : / / facebook . com - zaebali . space / swp / ...).

This has happened quite a few times over the last few days. It has only ever happened when I have been reading the MSN news app. I have not been touching the screen when it happens. My phone is a Nokia Lumia 520.

I have uninstalled and re-installed the MSN news app. I have cleared IE of all saved data (cookies etc.). I have held down the on/off button and the volume down button until my phone restarted. The problem persists.

I have searched around on the interweb and found nothing similar. This nearest situation I came across was this (but no solution was found): h t t p : / / forums . windowscentral . com / ask-question / 310012-why-did-porn-ads-start-popping-up-my-windows-phone.html

(Sorry for the spaces in the links - the site thinks I am spamming without them.)
This has happened to me as well and there is a thread on the forum called Lumia 930 possible virus/malware issue that is saying the same thing, I happen to think it's an issue with the app though as no other apps have this issue.

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