Windows 10 Mobile release date for the 640?

Gloria Barros

New member
Aug 22, 2014
Im kinda new to windows phone last phone was 635 ... But I'm curious to know when it comes out? I have the att version with my cricket sim card in it. Personally I'd rather have a att phone instead of crickets. Is it safe to install preview? Would the phone go back to factory 8.1 demim if i uninstalled preview for windows 10? Or should I install windows 10 when it does come out per carrier?
We don't know when it will come out. You can install if you want, but be prepared for the possibility of not having everything work. As long as you remove yourself from the program, you should be able to reset back to 8.1.

If you are someone who wants and needs everything to work, the preview is not for you. If you are okay with that, go for it.
Are you sure it's an att phone? :p battery drain doesn't have to be a problem..Let it run down to 5% and then charge it to 100%.. Do this for a few days and check if the situation improves..

However I've been told that this isn't really necessary with modern batteries, so if the situation doesn't improve at all and you still have warranty, bring it back in for a checkup or ask for a new device

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