The state/future of Windows Phone?

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The state/future of Windows Phone


A question I want to ask that I have thought lots about recently.

Do you think that Windows Phone will ever be popular? Do you think the developers that have really decent apps in iOS and Android will ever come to Windows Phone, or make the apps that are on here now, as good as their counterparts?

I am at a crossroads as I have recently been using an LG G4 and took it out yesterday to Snowdon to do mountain climbing and the photos that come off it are jaw dropping for a phone. I started to think.. does Windows Phone even have any decent hiking apps? I looked and found it severely lacking in anything remotely as good as I can get on Android. I have ordered a Lumia 950X and its coming tomorrow. Going to take it out on a camera taking trip somewhere and compare. If the camera is as good or better then maybe I could manage with the lack of apps for now, as long as there was light at the end of the tunnel.
What do you think about the future of Windows Phone and the app problem. Please be honest and no fanboys!

Re: The state/future of Windows Phone

This is a topic of discussion everywhere, so you probably could've gotten a good feel for the mood without writing that much.

Regardless, they aren't going to win many with Windows 10 Mobile as it is right now, which over the course of several installs, numerous hard resets and a couple models, takes the current award for twitchiest OS in my book.
If you're a slave to apps then maybe windows is not for you. Apps don't make the world go around. I only use my phone for web browsing talk and text and find windows for me is perfectly suited.
I do wish windows had my banking app, but in the meantime I just pin it to the start screen. Universal apps will once and for all put an end to the "app gap".

I am typing this on my 950, probably too much phone for my needs, but I got a nice deal on a trade in.
I will say from my experience with the 950 that it is the best smartphone I have used yet, like it even better than my old NL925,... much better!

Staying on the topic of whether windows will survive? I hope so. Tried android and ios, but windows has such an intuitive UI that the other two don't have.

Windows 10 to me despite the minor issues I have encountered is the best OS to date and we have to remember it will only keep improving. Things take time.
Hang in through the tough times folks, because when it gets better it will be that much more enjoyable .
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