Editing Web Pages Edge WM10

Why can't I edit the web pages in edge on windows 10 mobile just like on the pc??

Okay first of all what are you trying to edit exactly?

Your own page or are you trying to look at a page source?

Regardless I don't think you can view the page source (some one correct me if i'm wrong) or edit a page via edge on the phone yet other than saving the page then editing with word or something.
Thats what I wanted to ask whether we can edit the page or not. What I meant was editing the way we can on pc using highlighters and stuff. Anyway thanks.
Thank you. But isn't Edge an UWP, so shouldn't it have same features??

Yes and No, Edge is a critical component just like internet explorer is/was.

Therefore it is not as simple as it sounds :).

Microsoft got into a heap of trouble for deeply embedding internet explorer into the operating system hence the N versions.

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