Best Google Voice app

Eden Weiss

New member
Jan 21, 2016
Hi I'm new to Windows Phone. I just recently bought the Nokia 1520. Which I absolutely love! Got it unlocked, got it up and working. The problem is that I use Google voice daily and to live without it would be more than just an inconvenience. My Google voice number is my primary number as it rings multiple handsets, my nexus tablet and my Chromebook. I need a fix for this pronto. I may even look into putting Android on my Nokia 1520. Don't even know that it's been done before.
Hello Eden. Welcome to Windows Phone. There is much to like, but with regards to Google Voice - it's very much a no-go. Once upon a time, there was a great 3rd party app called MetroTalk. Google threatened a lawsuit, so that went away. All the rest are quite atrocious. Tried FreeTalk (ad-supported version gone, tried the paid version - on trial - and didn't work). GVoice - nope; GoVoice - nope;

In summary, I have a tile-link to the website. Very inconvenient, and limiting. If MS can pull there head out and make Skype a true alternative, we'd all be happier.

If you figure out a solution (or any reader), I will be quite grateful myself. Sorry I couldn't be any help.
Thanks John.....I'm willing to pay for app as well. It's a huge hole left in my 4 day old switch. I've even thought about having another line. To my current carrier just so I can keep an Android handset with me, but carrying 2 phones just doesn't work.

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