Fingerprint scanner on the sides of the phone. Is it possible?


New member
Jul 14, 2011
So, I have been wondering why this has not been implemented yet. Fingerprint scanner on either sides of the phone, instead of the back or the front (under the screen).

People pick up their phones by holding on to the sides. Wouldn't it be a better/ natural way to unlock your phone as you pick it up vs, picking it up and then putting your finger at the back or the front button? The trend these days with Android phones is to have fingerprint scanner at the back, which makes it inconvenient to operate when charging it wirelessly or when kept on the desk or table.

I am a Biologist and I don't know if there are current technology/design limitations to doing this. Can some one in the forum who knows more, enlighten me/us please?
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Not a windows phone but android, bing or google sony xperia z5. It has the fingerprint scanner on the side included in the power/unlock button.
So does the upcoming Nextbit Robin. The Sony Z5 got slagged in a few reviews saying the scanner wasn't that great. Sony even removed it altogether for the phones US release.

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