Windows Central Question
When checking e-mails sent through service provider the Lumia downloads and then clean my account on the server, POP3. This gives that they are no longer avilable for other devices.
The phone does also clean itself from mails so once read it is wiped away during next sync. This started after updating to .107. No changes in setting made. Mail account of course now deleted from the phone. One could sat that this particular phenomenon is fairly irritating. Necessary to go back to Android maybe? Been happy with the phone for the 2 months I've had it but this is not good.
The phone does also clean itself from mails so once read it is wiped away during next sync. This started after updating to .107. No changes in setting made. Mail account of course now deleted from the phone. One could sat that this particular phenomenon is fairly irritating. Necessary to go back to Android maybe? Been happy with the phone for the 2 months I've had it but this is not good.