Windows Camera issues

Sabari Sreekumar

New member
Feb 23, 2016
I am facing problems with my phone(lumia 1520) camera app. I cant record videos in full hd or 720p. Video recording is possible only in 640*360p resolution. Are there others who are facing similar issues or have faced. Any suggestions to resolve the issue?
I am running the latest .122 build in my phone now. The problem was there for .107 build too.

Posted from Windows Central for Windows 10
Video recording is possible only in 640*360p resolution.

Can't you just check the resolution in file explorer properties?

I assume, by your explanation, that the video is not sharp enough. It happens to me too with my Lumia 920. The video is not sharp enough - if - it is not manually focussed by the camera button while recording.

May be that is happening to you too. Try to adjust the manual focus (half pressed camera button) while recording.

I am on build 10586.104, by the way.
Video doesnt record. The frame freezes. Timer goes on but video doesnt record. If i change the resolution to 360p then t records. Rest resolutions wont work.

Posted from Windows Central for Windows 10

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