Windows Central Question
Ok first off I just moved. Where im curantly living leaves me with only one way of internet (Huges Net) Its a satellite service that offers wifi mainly in places were its hard to get internet like out in the country. How my internet is set up is we have 15 GB a month with the exception of no internet charge between 2:00 and 8:00 am. Now I know playing Online will burn up internet fast! I want to if I can still be conected to internet and just play solo on zombies say Black Ops3 as long as im playing solo I shouldn't really burn through data right? The while reason I wanna stay on the Internet is to download my profile, Because you know most games get your profile with all you stuff from the internet. To wrap this all up I just wanna know if being conected to wifi (only to obtain my profile and recive my in game progress and items) Will my Xbox one still use a large amount of data?