How was the battery on Lumia 650?

Anyone who using Lumia 650, can you share the battery life experience?

battery life depends on the usage and background tasks going on. with current windows 10 hogging the battery life you might be disappointed at first.

from a reference review i qoute,

" The Nokia Lumia 650 doesn’t offer great battery life either. Its highlights really are the screen and design. Prise the back off and you’ll find the removable 2000mAh battery. That’s almost 500mAh less than the latest Moto G.

I’ve found it usually needs a recharge before bed time, lasting significantly less than the best 5in 720p of the last 12 months. Play a 720p video on loop and it’ll last almost dead on 10 hours, though, which is actually better than a lot of Android alternatives.

What’s going on? It seems Windows 10 is good at paring-back processes for low-demand tasks like video. But when you make it start juggling different things, and using mobile data, the battery here only gets you baseline stamina. "

Read more at Microsoft Lumia 650 review | Stuff

with future updates this should change and should last longer. :)

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