LED Notification feature for future builds of Microsoft phones

Sumit P Amrutwar

New member
Mar 23, 2016
Notifications are an essential tool. As Microsoft have built on the foundation of Action Center to give users greatly increased flexibility in Adaptive Toasts. Microsoft should introduce a powerful API that enables a new class of apps to plug into the Notification pipeline and provide innovative experiences for users. Live Tiles are evolving with two highly-requested surprises.

In addition, the LED notification feature in Lumia phones (Viz. Lumia 730, Lumia 930) should be considered for activation on priority in order to give users a new way to get intimation for the notifications with blinking of bulb which is nowadays has become a preferred feature in every LED built phone. Most of the customers have purchased these Lumia phone models for their LED feature only which is said to be enabled in Windows 10 update. Still the Windows fans are also expecting high and looking forward for a better experience with Windows 10 mobile version. Further to this, Microsoft should also consider of manufacturing phones with LED enabled feature in future phone models which is definitely help building Microsoft the market and demands for Windows phone models
he LED notification feature in Lumia phones (Viz. Lumia 730, Lumia 930) should be considered for activation

everyone has there fingers crossed over this one. xD . though there has been complete silence by microsoft over this.

do remember the devices which hold LED support were manufactured by NOKIA and recently launched 950/xl do not have a LED hardware. as of now no news has surfaced claiming that it has one.

as these devices were manufactured by NOKIA . NOKIA being out of the game now, it won't be a surprise that this feature never comes to life and the device runs out of life and windows support without making use of the hardware. with no word on this from microsoft it seems very unlikely that this feature will ever make it to reality. every question thrown about this on microsoft has been dodged successfully as of now. :)
I was a big fan of using a LED notification having had it on some old android phones.

But after getting a windows phone which does glance I know which I'd rather have!

So instead of asking for new phones to have LED we should be asking for them all to have glance IMO.
everyone has there fingers crossed over this one. xD . though there has been complete silence by microsoft over this.

do remember the devices which hold LED support were manufactured by NOKIA and recently launched 950/xl do not have a LED hardware. as of now no news has surfaced claiming that it has one.

as these devices were manufactured by NOKIA . NOKIA being out of the game now, it won't be a surprise that this feature never comes to life and the device runs out of life and windows support without making use of the hardware. with no word on this from microsoft it seems very unlikely that this feature will ever make it to reality. every question thrown about this on microsoft has been dodged successfully as of now. :)
I know NOKIA is out of game but for your information when Microsoft acquired Nokia after then for some initial periods it had launched Lumia phones with NOKIA branding only.. Lumia 730 is one of them.You may check in device information.. Lumia 730 is Microsoft mobile having Nokia brand name.. Then my question id why Microsoft isn't interested in giving support for these older Lumia phones for enabling LED notification? Its unfair that Microsoft is no more interested in Nokia branded phones although it's manufactured and launched by Microsoft only.

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