Feature loss? WP 8.1 to W10 Mobile


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Sep 16, 2014
I have a Lumia 830 (with true Denim) pending a Windows 10 install. Before I take the plunge I wanted a heads up on any features I might be losing out on from making the switch.

I remember there being an article somewhere (thought it was here) about this very topic when windows 10 mobile first released. But I can't find it and at this point it's probably too outdated.

I do understand that it's possible to downgrade back to 8.1, but I'd rather avoid the hassle with some insider info. Thanks for your help.
Here are the things I've noticed:

1) Groove can't view my music library from my car's headunit like I could with Xbox Music.

2) Can't select a Group to send a text to from within the messaging app or Outlook. However, you can select the group first from the people hub, then choose to text or email them.

3) There's no Twitter integration with the people hub.

4) Cortana has lost about 30 IQ points, when she's not ignoring me altogether.

But all in all you gain much more than you lose. I would never go back to 8.1.
Yep. There are a few little things here and there. Some things you have to do in alternative ways, but after a while you appreciate all the good things and don't want to go back.

218 is a great build to jump aboard with. But be aware that the first 24 hours is painful and not a representative experience while the phone updates the OS and apps (possible several times) and generally optimizes stuff.
No Gestures support for W10M, that one I miss a bit. And of course there are some apps that just won't run on W10M. For me, INSTEON is the biggest one. And you'll lose the HERE apps, although personally I prefer the Windows Maps app and don't miss HERE apps at all.
Just took the plunge and it doesn't look like you can dictate commands anymore without Cortana? When I press and hold the search button on my phone nothing comes up.

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