Should Hey Cortana work after W10 Upgrade?


New member
Jul 21, 2014
According to @lumiahelp
Hey Cortana is no longer available on some upgraded devices. You may send your suggestion using Windows Feedback. ^JR
Now they tell us... or is this **** ?
No, I used the Advisor app. It downloaded the latest OS. Last week I got 218 update. 98% now works slick etc. Apart from no HEY CORTANA even if I try to switch Region & Language trick.
I then tweeted @lumiahelp and they replied with "Hey Cortana is no longer available on some upgraded devices. You may send your suggestion using Windows Feedback. ^JR"
Mystified !!!!!
I've been frustrated by this since the upgrade..... HEY CORTANA supposed to be downloadable from App Store - Utter TOSH.

Until. I found a work around.. (add the www. before, as normal. I couldn't add as it came out in gobbledygook)

Download it - install it - Reboot - and we say in the UK "Bob's your Uncle" it works.
She told me the weather and two jokes.... Great to have her back, I've missed her
Ok, so Windows mobile upgrade was a nightmare, but after doing latest updates, and installing Hey Cortana, I now have a great usable phone. Cortana now reads messages, tells me who has texted me etc. The OS seems solid, and I believe this is the turning point.

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