Windows insider vs update advisor

sumon mia

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Plz help me...i don't know the difference between windows insider and update advisor.
I updated my lumia 640 by windows there any problem?
Plz help me
Update adviser is to let you know whether or not your phone is compatible and for when MS/Carrier have the official WM10 update ready for your phone. Windows Insider is so you can preview pre release builds of WM10 on your device. Which ring did you choose? I updated my wife's 640 to the insider release preview ring for the .242 update(which will be more stable than the slow or fast rings) then removed her from the insider program so she'll get the next production release. I hope this makes sense, let me know if you need me to clarify anything.
Which Insider update did you choose? You can check by going to Settings > System > About > OS build or if you chose a newer release it's Settings > Extra > About > OS build or you can just search "About" in Find a Setting. I would say don't worry about the update adviser, but if you're not on .242 I'd use the windows device recovery tool and rollback to 8.1 then update to the Release Preview Ring for a stable experience.
Is the AT&T 640 able to yet? I couldn't upgrade my wife's 640 with it.

AT&T is rumored to be passing the OTA for W10M this month. Couldn't say if that is accurate or what models.

If you use Insider on the Release Ring, the same version is fetched as the recent public Upgrade received by these phones ( Phones Eligible for Windows 10 Mobile Official.

If your phone is not on the supported list, then (Threshold) is the end of the line. You may as well use Insider and select Production to un-enroll your phone from Insider, but at least you have W10M. WaaS (Windows as a Service) will deliver future updates within Threshold to you without any Insider access required.

If your phone is on the eligible list and you go Insider and stay on the Release ring you get the next public version early as Release ring in effect is the RTM. This will deliver the most stable Redstone builds to you earlier than OTA push with minimal risk.

Check out this thread: Windows Insider Testing and You [Recommended Guidelines]

For right now, Windows Device Recovery Tool is only flashing 8.1 to models that did not launch with 10 so it is the way to revert if you don't care for W10M: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software?

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