MicroSD card suddenly stopped working

Orlando Parkinson

New member
Mar 17, 2015
Hello, yesterday i was listening to some music my sd card when it stopped playing, an a message came on the screen saying "to keep data on my card safe next time go to settings /storage /eject card" . So i switched of the phone and removed the card. I used a card reader on my computer to check it, but to no response.... I can't believe my card just died on me!!

Posted from Windows Central's Universal App (Lumia 650)
Hello, yesterday i was listening to some music my sd card when it stopped playing, an a message came on the screen saying "to keep data on my card safe next time go to settings /storage /eject card" . So i switched of the phone and removed the card. I used a card reader on my computer to check it, but to no response.... I can't believe my card just died on me!!

Posted from Windows Central's Universal App (Lumia 650)

Wich card you got?

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