"Device charging slowly" error on W10M official build

sumukh phalle

New member
Jul 22, 2013
How many users facing or faced this problem?
Now I am facing it 2nd time on official build. First thing i want to clear, I'm using original battery and charger which came up with phone. I've been tried many chargers, charging sockets and also replaced charging socket yesterday. But the problem is remain same.
This problem was not occured when I was on WP8.1 on L640XL. It's occurring only and only when phone is upgraded to official build. First time in March, my phone was dead. That time, i was rolling back to 8.1 from insider fast ring update (10586.**) to counter this error but unfortunately phone goes blank and became unresponsive. Luckily my phone was in warranty period and i got replaced motherboard by MS care centre. After that, again i was upgraded to official build and now facing same problem. I just read many forums on Windows Central under this error category. And now I am sure that, it's happening only because of Win10 OS.
I believe you can turn that error off. It tries to be helpful but I'm suspicious it throws more false alarms than it should/

Of course, you can see for yourself if its charging slowly. I turn it off all the time since I know all of my power adapters well enough to know what to expect.
Same here Lumia 535,730 device charging slowly


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