Im unable to post to a thread as a new user, Is there some criteria I haven't met?

Sean N

New member
May 19, 2014
Tried posting in 2 threads, one resulted in moderator approval, the 2nd said the owner of the site has denied access to me, with my ip information and some other random tidbits. What do i need to do to resolve this issue?
Moved to "Site help and feedback"

I see you've been a member since 2013.
Normally you'll need to post 10 times in order to post without mod approval.
Lol, I had no idea i signed up then. I've been following the site for years, today was the first time I tried to post. Anyhow I understand the moderation approval part, but I dont understand why i received this error message:snapshot1.png
Incapsula error.

This happens on occasion.
We'll pass this along to site administration.
thanks bud, Im seeing that I can post elsewhere with the message you stated, Ill just ignore it.
Lol, I had no idea i signed up then. I've been following the site for years, today was the first time I tried to post. Anyhow I understand the moderation approval part

Here is your official welcome :)

Welcome!! :wink:
long LONG time member here and i get it sometimes too. i believe the mods here notified tech. :)
@Sean - there should be no impediments blocking you from posting. If you run into ANY issues please send me a note!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I have been mostly successful since. A welcome change from XDA 😁
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I have been mostly successful since. A welcome change from XDA 

XDA certainly serves a purpose and I DO use them, BUT we try to run a friendly more how shall I put this...I guess just the word community comes to mind. :) We are a community of users who help each other learn to use these devices and share our knowledge, in a casual friendly manner. :)

Are you in to VR at all? We just started a new VR community VRHeads at VRHeads | Best VR Guide for Virtual Reality Headsets, Top Picks and How To. Of course you'll find Hololens and other VR coverage here too and at Android Central, BUT when you get a free sec check out VRHeads. :) Sorry had to plug my new passion!
Absolutely! Im a DK1 and DK2 owner, waiting for the CV controllers to release before I jump on it or the vive. Also big on cardboard, and Ill admit Im still anxious about daydream (I have an equal love for android and windows mobile). Ill definitely check out VRHeads, it sounds great!
Incapsula error.

This happens on occasion.
We'll pass this along to site administration.

Just to further clarify and "answer" this question for the Q&A. The Incapsula error is a system glitch and is beyond your control. It shouldn't happen often, and when it does just report it and our techs will look in to it. But likely it will resolve itself quickly enough.

Additionally, separately, there is post moderation within your first 10 posts or so as the system gets to know you. Our Moderator staff should quickly approve posts that get moderated, although not always immediately. You SHOULD be beyond that point, HOWEVER sometimes the software will moderate a post or two for other reason. Please take no offense, it's an automatic thing, and the Mod staff will quickly (as quick as possible) get around to reviewing the posts.
Bottom line, we don't want ANY impediments in place to stop you from posting. New users, veteran users, doesn't matter. We want your comments, feedback and passion shared here in our forums.

If you run into any snags in the future please reach out to me direct!

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