Windows Central Question
Hay guys any word from instagram or windows if instgram stories will be coming to us?? It just came out this week, but I hear there is no update for windows phone instagram yet. No word ether if its even in the works. Thinking about making the switch back to windows phone, sick of the galaxy s4 I've had for years. Use basically no apps, and the few I do windows mostly has. HP elite x3 looks like everything I want in a windows phone. But the main app I use is instagram on my phone so I will not down grade and miss out on the major app I use my phone for.
Man I hope HP hit it out of the park with the elite x3, and help bring windows phone back. Like windows 10 a lot, so I want to move back to windows phone now they FINALLY got some main stream apps and high end phones. Thanks guys.
Man I hope HP hit it out of the park with the elite x3, and help bring windows phone back. Like windows 10 a lot, so I want to move back to windows phone now they FINALLY got some main stream apps and high end phones. Thanks guys.