Windows Central Question
I have Asphalt 8 saved in the internal memory of my S5. Can I move the game progress to my S7 Edge?
Originally posted by Devil101
Thats great, can you suggest a way i don't loose all my progress?
Should be able to go to settings, then connect, connect to one of the accounts (i.e. google play games) and then when you load it up on a new device it may ask if you want to use cloud save right away, or you can go to settings, connect, and connect to the same account as your old device, then if the message doesn't pop up re-open the game and it should show up.Thank you, but i dont have facebook. Can i upload the game to google play games and then install the progress to the new device? If so could you detail a step by step information?
Should be able to go to settings, then connect, connect to one of the accounts (i.e. google play games) and then when you load it up on a new device it may ask if you want to use cloud save right away, or you can go to settings, connect, and connect to the same account as your old device, then if the message doesn't pop up re-open the game and it should show up.
Shouldn't this get more replies if it was posted in the android forums? Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com