Lumia 929 issues

Mukoro Erezimena

New member
Aug 11, 2016
Having issues with my Lumia 929 after the windows 10 demin update. I suddenly cannot install applications like box, bbm and a bunch of apps which worked prior to that evening. Even a reset hasn't cleared the error. Is this a device compatibility issue??
Having issues with my Lumia 929 after the windows 10 demin update. I suddenly cannot install applications like box, bbm and a bunch of apps which worked prior to that evening. Even a reset hasn't cleared the error. Is this a device compatibility issue??

Windows 10 denim doesn't exist. Are you talking about last 8.1 or last Win10 official update? Check in Settings -> Info for o.s. version.
Are these apps on SD card? Check your Store -> Downlaod -> Check for updates.
If you updated now to 10, all your apps must automatically update to 10 version if available
Having issues with my Lumia 929 after the windows 10 demin update. I suddenly cannot install applications like box, bbm and a bunch of apps which worked prior to that evening. Even a reset hasn't cleared the error. Is this a device compatibility issue??

there might be a store issue -so give it a day or two
BBM support was removed, wasn't it?

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