Cannot download updates over mobile connection.

John Loo

New member
Jul 25, 2016
Since updating to the Anniversary Update (for both my PC and Lumia 650), I've had trouble updating my PC. I only have a mobile data connection. There used to be an option to download updates regardless of using a metered connection. That option seems to be missing now. So now my Windows Update is stuck at 0%. The weird thing is, after updating to the Anniversary Update, I could download the Cumulative Update for it up to 40% then it got stuck. Then I tried again and it got stuck at 16%. For about a week now it's stuck at 0%. The update I'm trying to download is KB3176495.

I have a similar problem on the Windows Store. I cannot update or download new apps. On my Lumia 650, I can update apps but not if it's a big app. If it's a big app it will say, "Waiting for Wi-Fi." There used to be an option to download an app regardless of using a metered connection. I think that option is now called Download Now? But it doesn't work. If I click Download Now I still get stuck.

Help. What can I do?
Are you sure your mobile connection is not bugged?? What carrier?? City?? Can you browse easily?? Can you download something off the Internet?? What the speed test says??
Are you sure your mobile connection is not bugged?? What carrier?? City?? Can you browse easily?? Can you download something off the Internet?? What the speed test says??

Digi. Kuala Lumpur (Cheras, Selangor to be exact). I can browse okay. I can torrent.
2016-08-25 (6).png
Metered connection settings are still there, probably changed place. It is in Settings > Network and Internet > WiFi > Manage Known Networks.

Looks like you using WiFi to connect to your mobile hotspot?? Could you please check if your network operator does not shape the traffic in the peak hours?? Small print in terms and conditions??

Are you torrenting while trying to get updates??
My network operator does shape traffic in peak hours but as I'm writing this it is not peak hours. I have extra data quota for 1am-7am (GMT+8). Not torrenting right now. I should add that in the past I have been able to use my mobile hotspot to download updates.

Aww man, I thought turning off metered connections would work. I restarted my PC and something weird happened. The app updates I was trying to download disappeared from the Store and when I click Check For Updates no new updates are shown. But I can see my Lumia 650 has a newer version of Bing Maps than my PC.

Maybe there's something wrong with the Anniversary Update on my PC? Windows Updates is still not working.
Hmm.. the problem seems to be Microsoft Edge. When Edge is open, I cannot download updates or apps. Weird...

I've managed to update my PC and its apps after leaving Edge closed while updating.
Hmm.. I ran the troubleshooter once, it advised me to run it again as administrator so I did and it said it found 2 problems and fixed it (report attached). Then I ran it a 2nd time to make sure all the problems were fixed and it said there was some database error which required re-downloading updates to fix (report attached). I didn't want to do that because I have limited data but then I thought what the heck, ran it a 3rd time, let it apply its fix (report attached) and ran it a 4th and 5th time and so on and the same database error keeps popping up. The troubleshooter doesn't seem to be really fixing it?


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