Panorama feature on Camera app error 0xA00F4279(0x80070057)

Same thing for me. Seems odd because I understand it works with same generation devices. Also, why give the update/feature if it crashes..

[EDIT] I forgot to mention I have a 920
it was released to people on TH2 too, so far it works even on 635 with 512mb ram but not on 920-925 etc, so it means whatever video capture method they are using for it may be related to the rich capture and live image modes that S4 devices never received, so obviously it wont work but now they are not hiding it from S4 devices since they aren't expecting any
I upgrade my Lumia 925 (unofficially) of TH2 (build 10586.545) to RS1 (build 14393.189) and got same error message.
P.S. in TH2 panorama worked ok.

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