Windows Central Question
I see several people (me included) searching the net for solution to Lumia Proximity sensor problem after re-assembing the device / changing the LCD/glass.
Basically - phone goes dark as soon as a number is dialled. Proximity sensor senses as if the phone is close to the ear (though it is not). Solutions suggested are glueing the proximity sensor closer etc etc.
My query: Is there a tool to calibrate the proximity sensor? I'm sure Nokia/Microsoft do it while manufacturing. Is there a tool for this? This will make a lot of Lumia users happy!!
Basically - phone goes dark as soon as a number is dialled. Proximity sensor senses as if the phone is close to the ear (though it is not). Solutions suggested are glueing the proximity sensor closer etc etc.
My query: Is there a tool to calibrate the proximity sensor? I'm sure Nokia/Microsoft do it while manufacturing. Is there a tool for this? This will make a lot of Lumia users happy!!