Nokia 640 and data used showing as 'System'

3 Jays

New member
Sep 10, 2016
In the last week my phone on the EE network has suddenly started to show a massive use of data. Data Sense on the phone showed 36GB (not MB before anyone suggests that) used in a couple of days and then a further 30GB today in 1 hour, even though the WiFi is on and checked that updates are set for when in WiFi range. EE can't help or offer any solution and concerned about the size of data apparently being used for System. Everything else in only small MBs of use, eg Whats app, Maps, email etc.

Any ideas or help, so I know what's going on appreciated.
In the last week my phone on the EE network has suddenly started to show a massive use of data. Data Sense on the phone showed 36GB (not MB before anyone suggests that) used in a couple of days and then a further 30GB today in 1 hour, even though the WiFi is on and checked that updates are set for when in WiFi range. EE can't help or offer any solution and concerned about the size of data apparently being used for System. Everything else in only small MBs of use, eg Whats app, Maps, email etc.

Any ideas or help, so I know what's going on appreciated.

system usage covers any data downloaded for OS updates, app updates, app downloads and miscellaneous data. So my feeling is that your phone is attempting an OS update and failing multiple times to get the correct data.

I suggest disabling automatic app updates and also checking to see whether you have the latest OS

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