Windows Central Question
On my Windows 8.1 phone email app, I'm unable to delete incorrect or out dated autocomplete (or autofill) entries. [These are the suggestions that pop up when I start to type an email address but are either errors or outdated.] - searching the forums, it appears the only way to delete these entries is to do a hard reset on the phone.
Does this same problem extend to Windows Phone 10? If so, I'm probably going somewhere else.
Also, how about a utility whose sole purpose is to delete all entries from the AutoFill entry list -- I'd be happy to start over if I could get rid of all of the ones that are now meaningless.
Does this same problem extend to Windows Phone 10? If so, I'm probably going somewhere else.
Also, how about a utility whose sole purpose is to delete all entries from the AutoFill entry list -- I'd be happy to start over if I could get rid of all of the ones that are now meaningless.