Windows 10 Anniversary Update will not Finish.


New member
Oct 10, 2016
My laptop has tried twice to load the Windows 10 Anniversary update. It gets to a certain point and I get a Gray Screen with the dots going around and sits there. I let this screen go for 2 days and it never finished loading. Is there a fix for this?
Media creation tool is the best way to upgrade imo. There is a low probability of your device swaying in the process when upgrading using media creation tool. Good luck. :)

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Media creation tool is the best way to upgrade imo. There is a low probability of your device swaying in the process when upgrading using media creation tool. Good luck. :)

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android %)
I agree 100% That the Media creation tool is your best bet when installing the Anniversary update! Just be patient, because it's a large update and it's going to take awhile to down load!:wink: Good luck. Please post back and let us know how things went. It will be a great help to all windows users!:wink:
The Media Creation tool does not seem to be working either. It gets to about 50% boots and then just stays on the black screen with circle dots. Been on that for about 2 hours.
The Media Creation tool does not seem to be working either. It gets to about 50% boots and then just stays on the black screen with circle dots. Been on that for about 2 hours.
Hi! I suggest you wait awhile longer. If I remember right,it took 6 hours for mine to install.:wink: I know it's a PITA, but that's Microsoft. I remember mine saying 50% and then trying to boot. Give it some more time!
Hi I'm trying to remember. I'm thinking I let mine run for 6-8 hours. I think I then did a hard shut down. Then I powered on and the update completed. I don't know why this update is so hard to down load. It is fairly large and that may be the reason. Here's some suggestions that might help from MS. Hang in there, you'll get-er-done!
Good luck!

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