Windows Central Question
I purchased my windows phones (Lumia 640 XL) from the ATT store in December. Actually I bought 3. At that time I was assured that all my normal apps would be available that the transition to windows phones would be seamless. Now our phones are glitchy, we are finding there are few apps we can use and none of the normal ones we normally used AND Yahoo mail, which I've used for 15 years is no longer available as an app on the windows app store. So now I can't even access my email from my phone easily? Really?? I was also told when I bought the phone that the new windows 10 mobile upgrade would be available to us soon. That was almost a year ago. I'm really becoming unhappy with my windows phones, the support and apps we were promised. The lack of the promised windows 10 update was misleading. I'm seriously tired of numb and corporate responses to my issues. I feel we were sold on phones that do not meet our needs and that we were taken advantage of because we were specifically told things, and made promises that Microsoft is not delivering. Seriously thinking of dumping all of our Microsoft products.