One Note data missing from new Lumia phone after changing from an old Lumia phone

bwana wamkulu

New member
Oct 26, 2016
I recently got a new Lumia 640 phone to replace my old Lumia 735. The transfer worked fine with most things working as normal and data being there on the new phone.
I have only discovered that One Note while being on the new phone has none of my data in it.
The data is on my computer.
How do I get the One Note data to come into the new phone
Hi Shmsnh again.,
I set up the new phone two weeks ago. Everything was working fine on the previous phone. I have changed nothing. I expected everything to be in One Note in the new phone (just as automatically happened in just about everything else). I have manually synced a number to times - says "page list is up to date". View sync status says Result: Synchronised.
I have only one Microsoft Account.
It seems like I have a problem similar to the Changes to Phone contacts not registering in my computer's contacts
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In that case, I would ask you to check if the notes are still present in the cloud. To check, open your OneDrive, go to the Documents folder, and open your OneNote notebook.

Is your phone on Windows 8 or Windows 10?
Thanks shmshn,

Yep, the notes were in OneDrive and downloaded as easy as pie. So I can place a big tick next to this one.

Unfortunately I am going to have to go through this all again. My phone bought on the internet via Hong Kong is sometimes displaying Chinese characters when reporting an incoming call from my contacts. After much to and froing with the supplier they have asked for the phone to be sent to a North Sydney repair shop so that they can "flash" the phone and install new software.

So when and if I get the phone back I will have to set it up again. Of course a lot of the setup will come automatically from my Microsoft Account as it did with the phone when I first got it. However there was a significant number of things that had to be messed around with to get things up and running.


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