Which OS is best to stay in the Windows ecosystem?


New member
Dec 1, 2015
Hi -

I have decided to temporarily leave Windows Mobile and am looking for the best way to stay in the Windows ecosystem, which I really like. I am using a Windows 10 Desktop PC.

Would you recommend iOS or Android? Are there significant differences regarding app availability and quality of Microsoft apps?

Is there anything else to consider?

Thank you!
Good question.

iOS and Android generally have the same apps available, with the exception of some "Microsoft Garage" apps only on iOS. Outlook on iOS is better than it is on Android. On both, you are able to back up your Camera Roll to OneDrive and not use Google Drive/iCloud. You can stay in the ecosystem easily with either one. However, Cortana is limited on iOS, and les limited on Android.

Since you have a Windows 10 PC, if you allow Cortana to sync text messages on Android, I believe you are able to have a similar functionality on your PC as you do with your Windows Mobile. You can get text message notifications on your computer, but this only works with Android.

In my opinion, it's a little bit easier to make iOS a Microsoft "phone". It's very easy to set Outlook as your mail client and contacts client. You can create an event in the app, and it will appear in the stock calendar almost instantly. Android on the other hand, requires a little more work around.

A question I have for you though is: Do you care a lot about customization? If you do, iOS doesn't have any, aside from wallpaper changes.
Thanks libra89 for your interesting reply!

I don't care for customization altough I think that iOS is ugly as hell, but...whatever.

As for the syncing of messages on iOS, that is a bit disappointing. Otherwise I would probably go with iOS since I use Outlook pretty heavily.

I have to give it some more thought. I have a brand new iPhone SE (still unboxed) in front of me and would have to send it back until Monday...

You're welcome! I hope it helps.

I have done a lot of dabbling between the 2. I thought iOS was it for me but then I missed customization so went to Android, something annoys me, and then I go back to iOS. The circle just continues... (by the way, I use my Microsoft account throughout my whole switching "adventure".)

I wish you luck with your decision, I have a iPhone SE myself and it's pretty awesome. You even get Word Flow, which is on iOS only and just like the old Swipe style keyboard on 8.1. I don't even use the Mail app on iOS because Outlook allows me to only use it and get push notifications too.

Can you let us know what you decide? I have some links that will help you either way you choose.
I think Android is better since its more open nature lets MS apps replace stock apps like Cortana as the default assistant, Cortana being able to send texts, OneDrive uploading without that awkward iOS location background thing, etc.
BTW I'm now leaning towards the OP3/OP3T and CyanogenMod, since the C-apps would allow for an even deeper integration of MS apps. Since I am located in Germany I would not be able to use Cortana or Word Flow anyway...they're only available in the US.
@xandros9 Can you elaborate on the OneDrive iOS location thing? What does it mean? Thanks!

On OneDrive and Dropbox, in order to upload in the background the apps need to be able to gain access to your location at any time - it'll only upload if it detects a significant location change because of iOS's restrictions on background stuff.
I'm not sure on the details but I feel it is not real time and may use power.

Dropbox and other stuff on Android can just go ahead and upload as necessary without the location workaround like WM does with OneDrive and iOS does with iCloud.
Pardon me for jumping in... but I'm thinking about switching to Android (just broke my Lumia 640), and likewise am overall really happy in the MS ecosystem. Mainly considering the switch because hardware options are limited I want the Control4 app, which isn't natively available on Windows Phone. Would I lose any of the following:

  1. I have a Groove music subscription. I really like how it "syncs" with the music library on my PC and the playlists that it curates in the Windows Phone 10 version of the app. Would both of these things function relatively the same in the Android version of Groove music?
  2. Is there any way to transfer my text messages from WP to Android?
  3. I have an Office 365 Exchange email account, and an Outlook.com email account. Will these both work in Android?
  4. If I am reading the above posts correctly, it is possible in Android to use OneDrive for my photo backup, Cortana as my assistant, and still have my text messages show up as notifications on my Windows 10 PC?

Any other considerations in making this switch? I could see myself returning to WP someday... maybe once that Surface Phone is released. :-)
Pardon me for jumping in... but I'm thinking about switching to Android (just broke my Lumia 640), and likewise am overall really happy in the MS ecosystem. Mainly considering the switch because hardware options are limited I want the Control4 app, which isn't natively available on Windows Phone. Would I lose any of the following:

  1. I have a Groove music subscription. I really like how it "syncs" with the music library on my PC and the playlists that it curates in the Windows Phone 10 version of the app. Would both of these things function relatively the same in the Android version of Groove music?
  2. Is there any way to transfer my text messages from WP to Android?
  3. I have an Office 365 Exchange email account, and an Outlook.com email account. Will these both work in Android?
  4. If I am reading the above posts correctly, it is possible in Android to use OneDrive for my photo backup, Cortana as my assistant, and still have my text messages show up as notifications on my Windows 10 PC?

Any other considerations in making this switch? I could see myself returning to WP someday... maybe once that Surface Phone is released. :-)

1)No idea about Groove.
2)I believe there's a way but it's tricky. Not sure how to do it.
3) Yes, in order to have contacts and calendar sync, you have to add them as Exchange accounts. Bing "Android for the Windows Guy: use your Microsoft accounts" on how to do that.
4) Yes. As for Cortana, it's phone dependent but you can generally do that.

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